Welcome to the Office of Disability Access (ODA)!

As our most important role, the Office of Disability Access collaborates with and empowers students with disabilities in order to coordinate accommodations and accessibility supports which enable equal access to UNT's education and university life.

To do so, the ODA works in partnership with faculty and staff to eliminate or minimize barriers by facilitating inclusion on campus. 

The ODA collaborates with all members of the University community to improve access for students with disabilities in these ways:

  • Determine and assisting with the implementation of reasonable academic accommodations
  • Providing education on access and inclusion
  • Partnering with University offices to ensure physical and technological access
To assist you in finding the resources you need on our website, we have listed the most commonly accessed pages below. You will also find more resources along the top of this page under each drop-down. If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please email us and we'd be happy to help!

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