The Office of Disability Access (ODA) offers sign language interpreters and transcription services for communication access to the educational environment and student programming.
Prospective Students Request HerE Current Students Request Here Faculty/Staff Request Here (for a Student)
Requesting a Provider
Prospective Students may request a provider, such as a Sign Language Interpreter or CART provider/transcriptionist, through the link above. Our Communication Access team will then be in touch with the student directly to schedule and request more information, if needed.
Current Students may request interpreters through their AIM portal. When they request a provider on their letter of accommodation, our Communication Access team will schedule providers for their class times. However, if the student ever needs to meet outside of their class time, such as if the instructor schedules an outside-of-class meeting, student needs to attend office hours, or work on a group project, the student or instructor will need to complete a Custom Request. Registered students can complete the request in their AIM portal as well. Faculty/staff can make the request on behalf of the student using the link above. It is the responsibility of both the faculty/staff member as well as the student to communicate and ensure that requests are submitted.
Faculty and Staff can submit a request for a provider if they receive a request from a student. Faculty/Staff can do so using the link above. Once received, our Communication Access team will be in touch with the requestor directly.
The Office of Disability Access largely covers the cost of all Communication Access needs for registered students. In the rare instance that it would be the responsibility of the hosting department, our Communication Access will inform the department at initial contact.
If there are any questions on submitting a request, please contact
Sign Language Interpreting Services
The Office of Disability Access has sign language interpreters on staff and also contracts with additional interpreters as needed. The ODA only hires and contracts with certified interpreters who are able to offer sign language interpreting in ASL, PSE, and English. If a student requires a different form of interpreting, the ODA will always make every attempt to meet that request.
Transcription Services
The Office of Disability Access has transcriptionists on staff and can also contract transcription services (also sometimes referred to as real-time captioning, C-print, Typewell, or CART) with community agencies.
Scope of Sign Language Interpreter & Transcription Services
Sign language interpreters and transcriptionists are provided, to qualified students registered with the Office of Disability Access, for access in the classroom and during other assignments related to their required course work at no additional cost to the student and/or department.
Non-academic Sign Language Interpreter and Transcription Requests
Requests for sign language interpreting and/or transcription services for non-academic programs or events should be directed to, and handled by, the sponsoring entity (office or organization). Once the sponsoring entity receives the request, they should fill out the form below on our website to formally request the interpreter or transcriptionist on behalf of the student. We ask the student to contact the sponsority entity directly so that the student connects with that department directly and then ODA simply assists with fulfilling the accommodation request.