Housing and Dining Accommodations

The University of North Texas is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities across campus. Housing and Dining accommodations are supported by their respective offices. The information for both of these processes is below. The Office of Disability Access does not approve any Housing or Dining accommodations, aside from Comfort Animal accommodations, but we are here to support students in the process of requesting Housing or Dining accommodations.

Comfort Animal Accommodations
Housing Accommodations
Dining Accommodations

Comfort Animal Accommodations

The only Housing accommodation reviewed by the Office of Disability Access is for comfort animals/emotional support animals. Students should review our Comfort Animal webpage for detailed information and complete the Comfort Animal packet. Please keep in mind that the packet may take some time to complete as it requires documentation from the student's healthcare provider as well as the animal's veterinarian. If there are any questions or concerns about this process, students should reach out to their Coordinator or our main office at disability@unt.edu

Housing Accommodations

Housing accommodations on the University of North Texas Denton campus are reviewed by UNT Housing and Residence Life. The specific Assignments Coordinator who reviews these requests is Brad Dye. Brad's email is Bradford.Dye@unt.edu and his phone number is 940-369-8729.  

Dining Accommodations

UNT Dining has registered dieticians available to support students with dietary restrictions or allergens in developing a meal plan that works for them. Students can request a "Special Diet Meal Plan" and learn about the resources available through UNT Dining by emailing dining@unt.edu. More information is available on UNT Dining's website under Policies.