ODA Student Responsibilities

The following information is extremely important to ensure your accommodations are effective and will greatly assist you, your professors, and the ODA in providing accessibility to your education at UNT. The ODA is available to help you determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations, better understand the accommodation process, and answer any questions you might have - at any time throughout the semester. Email your coordinator or contact our office at (940) 565-4323 to schedule an appointment. 
Your additional reminders and responsibilities will be detailed in e-Form Agreements specific to the following accommodations which you may have available: Accessible Alternative Formats, Attendance Modification, Access to Lecture accommodations, Interpreting and CART services, and Testing Accommodations. 
It is the student's (your) responsibility to: 

  1. Request Letters of Accommodation through the ODA AIM Student Portal as early as possible in the semester. ODA will email the letters to your instructors; and you will receive a copy of each email. 

  1. ONCE YOUR INSTRUCTOR RECEIVES YOUR LETTER OF ACCOMMODATION, you must meet with your instructor to discuss your accommodations as soon as possible, after receiving your copy of each email. 

  1. Report IMMEDIATELY to the ODA staff any difficulties receiving any needed accommodations. The most efficient and quickest way to bring a situation to our attention is to email your ODA Coordinator or the ODA at Apply.ODA@unt.edu describing the situation and how you can be contacted. 

  1. Follow all applicable procedures. Carefully read all e-Form Agreements you receive regarding your accommodations. After the e-Form Agreement is signed, it can be reviewed at any time via your ODA Online Student Services profile by accessing the “My e-Form Agreements” link on the left side of your profile page. 

  2. All ODA records will be kept confidential and secure in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The ODA may discuss your accommodations with those on campus who have a designated need to know, Most often this would be your professors, Deans, academic advisors, etc. Besides exceptions allowed under FERPA, all information kept by the ODA will not be distributed beyond UNT without a release of information signed by the student. For more information on FERPA visit: http://essc.unt.edu/registrar/ferpa.html