For In-Person Exams: Alternative Testing Agreement (ATA)

Instructors should make sure to complete the Alternative Testing Agreement (ATA) by logging into their AIM Instructor Portal.  The link is listed on this webpage but also can always be found on the student's Letter of Accommodation, which was emailed to you. If you do not see the link on a student's letter of accommodation (LOA), please contact the ODA Testing Center.

AIM Instructor Login

This page contains the following resources for faculty in completing an Alternative Testing Agreement (ATA) and uploading their exam.

Submitting an Alternative Testing Agreement (ATA)

  1. Login using your UNT credentials
  2. Click “Continue to View Student Accommodations”
  3. Select “Alternative Testing/Quizzes” section on the left-side
  4. Two boxes will appear. 
  5. Follow the directions in “Specify Alternate Testing Agreement” if you need the ODA to proctor the student's exams. 
  6. There is a drop-down box beside “Select Class” - choose your course
  7. Select “Continue to Specify Alternate Testing Agreement”
  8. Answer the questions listed within the Alternative Testing Agreement (usually between 8 - 12 questions)
  9. Please note: (1) Do not leave any blank fields. If the question does not apply, type “N/A”) and (2) students can see your responses to questions 1-11 so do not include information you do not want the student to see.
  10. On “Exam Type” include the number of minutes the rest of the class is allotted without additional time for quizzes (if applicable), exams/midterms, and finals (if applicable).
  11. Information you provide in the “Additional Information” box is NOT visible by students.
  12. Click the button “Submit Testing Agreement”.

Confirming Submission of the Alternative Testing Agreement (ATA)

  • If the submission is successful, a green circle with a white checkmark will appear in the top left corner of the screen.
  •  If the submission is not successful, a red and white caution symbol with an error message will appear in the top left corner of the screen. The error message will specify why the submission was not successful. The error will need to be corrected.

Once an instructor submits an Alternative Testing Agreement for a course section, students in that section will be able to schedule their exams in the ODA Testing Center. Student WILL NOT be able to schedule an exam until the Alternative Testing Agreement is completed by the Instructor

Proctoring Own Exam

Within the Alternative Testing module in AIM, you will find a "Proctoring Your Own Exam" section. If you are proctoring your own exam, please simply indicate that here so that we can know this information when working with your students. 

Changing/Updating the Alternative Testing Agreement

To change specific test criteria you have entered on an Alternative Testing Agreement, please e-mail to update your agreement.

Helpful Reminders for Alternative Testing Agreements (ATAs):

  • Alternative Testing agreements are designed to explain to the ODA Testing Center how you want your exam to be administered. With the exception of accommodations, the goal of our ODA Testing Center is to administer the test or quiz in the exact same manner with the same resources as the student's peers in the classroom.
  • One test agreement must be completed per course section. The agreement is simply a way for you to confirm if you will or will not be using ODA Test Center's proctoring services for your course(s) each semester as well as a way for Testing Center staff to ensure the correct administration of your exams. If you complete the Alternative Testing Agreement (ATA) for one course and would like ODA Testing Center staff to copy it to other Alternative Testing Agreements (ATAs), please email and we'd be glad to assist. 
  • Instructors do not have to complete an ODA Testing Agreement if: there are no exams OR the instructor is proctoring their own accommodated exams to the registered students.
  • Please note that the questions in the Alternative Testing Agreement can be viewed by students so DO NOT include any student names, ID numbers, or your personal contact information (i.e., cell phone). The only place on the Alternative Testing Agreement that is not shared with the student is the "Additional Information" section. You can type this private information there or to be safe, you can otherwise email with any of this private information.

Checking an Exam Request Status

When a Student is approved to take their test/quiz in the ODA Testing Center, Instructors will receive an email. They may also see the status of an exam request at any time within AIM. 

  •  Type will show one of the following: Quiz, Test, Mid-term, Final
  •  Date = date student has requested to take the quiz/test. 
  • Time = time student has requested to take the quiz/test.
  • Status = the current status of student's testing appointment. Status can be one of the following:
    • Approved (student's appointment is officially scheduled)
    • Processing (student's request is pending approval from Testing Center Staff)
    • Canceled (student's appointment is canceled)
    • Completed (Student completed exam at ODA Testing Center)
    • To view the list of exams by course, in the upper-right corner select “Students’ Courses”. 

Uploading Exams

Before uploading an exam, please note the status of student(s) request(s) for the exam date in question.

  • “Approved” – Test request is approved by Testing Center and scheduled.
  • “Processing” – The Testing Center has not approved the request. This can happen for a number of  reasons, including student attempting to test outside of class time or alternative test agreement  parameters without instructor approval. Until the Testing Center APPROVES the request, the student is  not scheduled to take their exam in the Testing Center; and communications are sent to the student to  contact instructor for approval and forward approval to Testing Center to schedule exam. 

Instructors are responsible for sending a copy/copies of their exam to the Testing Center at least two days prior to the test administration. This is necessary to give the Testing Center time to assign an appropriate number of staff such as proctors, readers, or scribes; prepare exam materials’ envelope; and convert the exam to an alternative accessible format, if necessary. This can be done by clicking on the link within the confirmation email to UPLOAD your exam. 

If you have any questions or made an error, please contact our ODA Testing Center. We'd be glad to assist!