The university will make every effort to schedule all events open to the public or the university community in an accessible space.
When selecting a location on campus to hold the event, ensure the location is physically accessible. Events sponsored by the University of North Texas are required to be held in a physically accessible location. Check to ensure that there is an accessible entrance to the building, the room is accessible, and there is a designated accessible restroom. Ensure that elevators are functioning and ramps are unobstructed.
If there is a guest presenter, please confirm with them in advance if they need any accommodations. In some cases, the presentation area might also need to be wheelchair accessible. It is best practice to always include a ramp onto the stage, if you will have a raised stage.
If for any reason, a non-accessible meeting room is chosen, and the sponsor receives a request from an individual with a disability, the sponsor must make every effort to work with its respective room scheduler to find an alternate location that is accessible.
The event organizer will need to make sure that there is ADA parking along the path of travel to the facility and that the path of travel is the main path of travel to the entrance accessible. If not, there needs to be an alternative route that is well marked.
Other items to consider:
Parking: Is there disability parking along the path of travel to the facility?
Path of travel: Is the main path of travel to the entrance accessible? Is there a ramp? Is there an automatic door with either sensor or push button access? If not, is there an alternative route and is it well marked?
Ensure there is a clearly marked, barrier-free path of travel from the entrance through the building, to the registration/sign in location, and to the event space.
Entrance: Are there automatic doors? If not, you will need to have a staff person to assist with the doors, if needed.
Restrooms: Make sure that there are ADA-compliant accessible restrooms located near the event location.